Hot tip for playground safety

With warm weather just around the corner it makes sense to start thinking about shade for students. Harbour View Elementary School in Summerfield, Florida is doing just that. They have installed a canopy which is hurricane proof and blocks UV rays over the kindergarten playground structure. Kindergarten teacher, Melinda Boatright commented that its working, "We don't see those red, flushed cheeks like we used to."

"The canopies provide a safer and more comfortable place to play," said Zanetti School Board Chairperson, adding that burns from the metal or mats have now been eliminated, as well as the potential for sunburns. "They're fabulous." The estimated cost of the canopies installed at all district elementary schools is approximately $15,000 each. An added bonus is that the P.E. program is using the space to teach physical education on hot days.

Something to think about especially considering that young kids don't sweat nearly enough to cool themselves AND kids rarely self regulate play on hot days making them at risk for heat exhaustion.