Serious accidents which occur in schools typically happen on the playground, and often playground supervision is a contributing factor. In fact, approximately 200,000 accidents each year send children to the emergency room for treatment of an injury which occurred on the school playground. The following tips are designed to increase the quality of the playground supervision in your school, insuring that children are safe on your playground.Order…
A guide for playground supervisors.   ORDER TODAY
How to Discipline on the Playground

Check out our featured articles page.
Playground Supervision Article
Serious accidents that occur in schools typically happen on the playground. In fact, approximately 200,000 accidents each year send children to the emergency room for treatment of an injury that occurred on the school playground. The following tips will help you to ensure that children are safe on your playground.  The National Program for Playground Safety (NPPS) recommends that the ratio of adult supervisors to c…
Playground Supervision and Legal Implications 
In this article, I will share with you some words of wisdom I have learned serving as an expert. One key in all these cases has been whether the Administration implemented and maintained active supervision. Check out our featured articles page.
July Play Nice Newsletter just released. Topics include:Put an end to recess hassles and headachesStructured vs unstructured recessAlternatives to taking away recessFree Downloads- Equipment labelsSale products- Recess program and Equipment
Peaceful Playgrounds Program, playground stencils, U.S. Map Stencil and more.
Peaceful Playgrounds Stencils and Recess Program-

By Melinda Bossenmeyer, Ed.D.
Injury data indicates that approximately 45% of injuries on the playground can be attributed to either improper supervision on lack of adult supervision. Accordingly, even if this 45% of injuries were corrected by trained and active supervision, 55% of injures would still need to be addressed. Some injuries are a result of faulty or poorly maintained playground equipment. Other injuries are known as “accidents”. Acc…
Playground Supervision: A How-To Guide for Playground Supervision ***VIRTUAL DOWNLOAD$19.99$9.99
PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION: A How-To Guide For Playground Supervision The book will include: Chapter 1 includes Featured Articles on Playground Supervision Reduces Injuries, People Make a Difference on the Playground, Playground Supervision Accident or Injury, The Effects of Peaceful Playgrounds on Injuries and Playgrounds Can Be Safe: Injury Reduction. …
This one-minute -playground tip video is about the benefits of a Freeze Bell when recess ends.
Our research indicates that 43% of student injuries (on the playground) occurred when students were going to and coming from the playground.So the solution we put Into place was to institute a freeze bell where when the recess bell rang.
We instituted another procedure that when the playground supervisors blew the whistle then students were to walk an…
Playground Supervision Issue. Just Released.  Free Download
Playground Supervision course Sale! Hurry ending soon.
Individual, School and District Training offered. Call for special pricing.

 Playground Safety Articles

Playground Supervision Guide

10 Tips for Playground Supervision
A school’s best defense in court is a well-trained supervisor. Annual training for Playground Supervisors should occur in order to ensure student safety.   Our Playground Supervisor Training and Certification Course is convenient and cost effective.  We offer this course online.  

The Peaceful Playgrounds Online Playground Supervisor Training and Certification are designed to introduce administrators, teachers, substitute teachers, physical educa…
Play Nice Newsletter out today.

Information on Playground Supervisor Training

Download this free article on 5 Strategies for Reducing Playground Injuries.  As the opening of the school year approaches it is extremely important to consider student safety.  One of the most powerful ways to ensure student safety is to provide training to all your playground supervisors.

Another option is to use the Playground Supervision Guide below.

Finally, Peaceful Playgrounds "Playground Supervision Course" is available.  Our O…
One-Minute Playground Tip FREEZE BELL
This one minute -playground tip video is about the benefits
of a Freeze Bell when recess ends.
Our research indicates that 43% of student injuries (on the
playground) occurred when students were going to and coming from the
playground.So the solution we put In to
place was to institute a freeze bell where when the recess bell rang.
We instituted another procedure that when the playground
supervisors blew th…