In her classic 1982 study of America's parks, "The Politics of Parks," she identified four types of park design, introduced at different stages:
PARK-PHOBIA Even if kids had more neighborhood playgrounds, it isn't clear they would use them. Today, only 6 percent of children play outdoors unsupervised even once a week, according to the Child & Nature Network. Instead, children ages 8 to 18 now spend about 44.5 hours a week in front of a computer or TV screen, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. They live in what has been called "virtual protective house arrest" - put there by their parents. The national rate of child abductions by strangers has declined in the past 20 years - to about 100 a year, making them about as rare as getting killed by lightning. But experts say paranoia is rampant - and blame news coverage of abductions that can terrify parents. "Fear has escalated, and it's almost irrational," Flor a kindergarten teacher said.