Olympians for Life are educational lesson plans for grades kindergarten through 12 that promote the Olympic Ideals and Values and are accompanied by profiles of athletes training for Beijing in 2008. Lessons are grouped according to major educational strands: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Register for free access. All materials for "Olympians in Life" are being distributed free to educators. You can access the materials by clicking http://www.usolympicteam.com/12683.htm

Real Athletes Play Fair
Another great resource is te Real Athletes Play Fair Campaign materials. In 2006, during its first year of a multi-year campaign promoting Olympic Values, the USOC developed materials to support the concept of fair play, which includes drug-free competition. The campaign is supported by posters, PSAs, movie theater ads, and more. Take a few minutes to view the 30 second Public Services Announcements.