Peaceful Playgrounds 2009 : Year in Review

The 2009 year was another successful and satisfying year at Peaceful Playgrounds. In the final two days of 2009 we will share a quick overview highlighting some of our activities and services.

Ten Tips to Getting Your Grant Funded. A grant is a monetary award given by a government agency, foundation, corporation, or other entity to another body in order to plan, implement or operate a particular program or fund a particular project. Learn how to get your playground grant funded. (December- Featured Article)

Playground Forms- Equipment Checkout and Playground Report. These forms will assist you in organizing and reporting on your playground activity. This document includes Pad of 4 ready to print "Playground Report" forms and a Peaceful Playgrounds "Equipment Checkout Sheet." Dec.

Playground Trying to Eliminate Bullies Video-Channel 7 News. Nov.

Central Kitsap elementary schools bring peace to the playground. Nov.

Peaceful Playgrounds selected as model program for Champions for Healthy Kids Program. Oct.

Ohio State "Action for Healthy Schools Program" features Peaceful Playgrounds in their newsletter. "Add stencils to playground for recess and classroom use."

Peaceful Playgrounds Support Webina
r added to assist schools in implementing Peaceful Playgrounds. Sign up for a future webinar. Sept.

Online Playground Supervisor Training Launched.
View sample. Sept.

Can Physical Education make you smarter? Research has indicated that physical activity results in increased problem solving skills and attention skills in children upon returning to class. Which exercise is best and how long must one exercise to see beneficial changes? Featured Article Sept.

Recess Doctor Channel Added to You Tube. The Peaceful Playgrounds Program has been the focus of national radio and television news reports and is frequently featured in newspaper articles. Aug.

Keeping Kids Cool at School Principals and physical educators face daily decisions regarding children’s heat health on the playground. Children seldom complain when over heated and most children rarely self regulate. So how hot is too hot for physical activity? (Aug. Featured Article)

Peaceful Playgrounds partners with the Alliance for Healthier Generation to offer Alliance Schools free online training. Peaceful Playgrounds is a research based physical activity program aimed at getting kids physically active at recess while creating a "peaceful" environment for play.

Check back tomorrow for remainder of list.