Winter was officially over and Spring is here so it's time to think about sending kids out to the playground. Here's some tips for making the playground safe.
1. After snow, rain or other elements the playground surfacing may be in need of refilling or loose fill ( wood chips, pea gravel, sand etc.) needs "fluffed up" (raked and groomed after a winter compacting). A 12" minimum an fill evenly throughout the play structure area.
2. Check the sandbox area for broken glass or sharp objects that may have ended up there over the winter.
3. Think about re-training your playground supervisors by providing a quick overview on playground rules and safety.
4. Have a short assembly and remind students of behavior expectations especially outdoor behavior that can lead to conflicts.
5. Replenish recess equipment carts. Throw away flat balls and order replacements.
Download our 10 Tips for a Peaceful Playground and spring into a safe playground season.