When you think of great companies doing great things for kids KaBOOM would certainly be near the top of the list. I first heard of KaBoom nearly 12 years ago at an international playground conference where Darell Hammond -Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of KaBoom was just getting started. Who knew his vision of creating a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America would develop into a Nationally recognized non-profit foundation that rallies communities to achieve better public policy, funding and public awareness for increased play opportunities nationwide.
Their website has many tools and resources that help with planning playgrounds including trainings, challenge grants, and publications for communities that wish to plan a new playspace on their own; and bring together children, business and community interests for a select number of community playspace builds each year. KaBoom is headquartered in Washington, D.C., KaBOOM! also has offices in Chicago, Atlanta and San Mateo.