The report: Educating the Student Body Taking Physical Education and Physical Activity to School reports on the importance of these three activities in a well rounded education.

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This message is being forwarded by the Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH), NCCDPHP, CDC, on behalf of the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO). Visit the DASH Web site at and the DNPAO Web site at
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Download Canada's physical activity guides.

This resource is designed to help those who teach children and adults about healthy eating and physical activity. The Toolkit includes:

* The Eat Well and Be Active Every Day poster;
* Downloadable activity plans
* 54 healthy eating and physical activity images to complement the poster.
Let's Move in School (LMIS), a national initiative to increase physical activity before, during, and after school, was introduced by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) and its National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) on February 1, 2011.

Take a look at the LMIS Promotional Video!

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Date: February 1, 2011

Time: 1 - 2 pm EST

Webinar Presenter: AAHPERD/NASPE and Strategic Partners

Peaceful Playgrounds is pleased to announce our support of Let's Move in School - a new initiative hosted by the American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) and its National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE).

We encourage…
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"One thing I heard from many par­ents was that their child responded well to phys­i­cal exer­cise. They also reported that it helped their chil­dren burn off excess energy and main­tain a calmer and more focused state," according to Dr. Rabiner.

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Head Start Body Start: the National Center for Physical Development and Outdoor Play has developed a great movement and nutrition resource for teachers and parents called Healthy Home. Healthy Homes is a downloadable, reproducible resource designed to promote healthy lifestyles for young children and their families. Healthy Homes includes a fun movement activity, nutrition message, and healthy recipe. The downloadable resources come in English a…
On an elementary school playground, the biggest and most boisterous kids tend to rule the roost. If they cut in line to use the monkey bars, no one will stop them. If they want to change the rule to a game, they’ll probably get their way. But at La Crescent-Hokah Elementary School, La Crescent, MN, the playing field will soon be leveled.

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Each year since the inception of the Champions for Healthy Kids program, the General Mills Foundation has awarded 50 grants of $10,000 each to community-based groups like this that develop creative ways to help youth adopt a balanced diet and physically active lifestyle.

Deadline for Applications: December 15, 2010

Application link.

Remember to include Peaceful Playgrounds in your grant application as we were selected as a model program.

Peaceful P…