Keeping Kids Cool at School

 Yesterday was the highest recorded heat that I recall ever where I live in Canyon Lake, CA.

 111 degrees

Such high temperatures put children especially at risk for heat related conditions. I wrote a featured article on the topic called, "Keeping Kids Cool at School."   It covers recommendations, guidelines, and considerations for hot playgrounds and hot weather during physical education.

As most of the nation heads back to school facing triple digit heat, schools face the challenges associated with outdoor recess and overheated classrooms. Principals and physical educators will face daily decisions regarding children’s heat health on the playground.
In this article we will review some information regarding different playground challenges and solutions to those problems.
Of particular concern to schools is that “kids absorb more heat than adults while sweating less. The result is kids have a greater propensity for heat cramps, exhaustion or heat stroke”, according to Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, also known as the Recess Doctor.

Link to article: Keeping Kids Cool at School.

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