A Dozen School Grants for Physical Activity, gardens, obesity and sports.

 Check out our list of grant opportunities now available to schools and sports teams.

1. Safe Places to Play Grants
The U.S. Soccer Foundation grants support soccer programs and field-building initiatives in the U.S. that keep children in underserved communities active, healthy, and safe.

Funding Amount: $20,000
Grant Deadline:  Sept. 24, 2014
Application: http://www.ussoccerfoundation.org/uploads/grantguide/Grants_Guide_3_10_14_2.pdf

 2.  Active Lifestyle Youth Program Grants
The Finish Line Youth Foundation strives to make a difference in the lives of youth in the communities where employees and customers live, work and play. The Foundation financially supports opportunities for participation in youth programs that place an importance on youth development and an active lifestyle.

Funding Amount: $5000
 Grant Deadline: September 30, 2014
 Link: http://www.finishline.com/store/youthfoundation/youthfoundation.jsp

3. 2014 GreenWorks! Grants
Project Learning Tree is currently funding projects that include school/community native plant gardens, forest improvement projects, streamside restoration, recycling programs, and energy conservation projects for students.

Funding Amount:  $1,000
Deadline:  September 30, 2014
 Link:  https://www.plt.org/apply-for-greenworks-environmental-education-grant 

4.  Kids Run the Nation Fund 2014

The Kids Run the Nation Fund assists running clubs, events, and schools that are interested in implementing or currently have a youth running program.

Funding Amount: $500- $1000
Deadline:  October 1, 2014
 Link:  http://www.rrca.org/programs/kids-run-the-nation-fund/

5. Baseball Tomorrow Fund MLB
The Baseball Tomorrow Fund is a joint initiative between Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association. The purpose of this funding is to promote and enhance youth participation in baseball and softball and address the needs unique to each community.
Funding Amount
Grant Deadline: October 1, 2014
Link: http://www.mlbcommunity.org/programs/baseball_tomorrow_fund.jsp?content=overview

6.  All About the Fruits and Veggies Garden Grants 2014
The All About the Fruits and Veggies grant program will provide youth garden initiatives with gardening supplies, curriculum, soil amendments, and plants to help create engaging nutrition and gardening experiences.

Funding Amount: $500- $1500
Grant Deadline:  October 1, 2014
 Link: http://grants.kidsgardening.org/fall-2014-jamba-juice-its-all-about-fruit-and-veggies-garden-grant-0  

7.  Home and Family Based Approaches for the Prevention or Management of Overweight or Obesity in Early Childhood

The National Institutes of Health is accepting Research Project Grant (R01) applications from institutions and organizations that propose randomized clinical trials testing novel home- or family-based interventions for the prevention or management of overweight in infancy and early childhood. Tested interventions can use behavioral (including dietary and physical activity), environmental, or other relevant approaches.  Applications should focus on infants and young children and emphasize the role of home environment and the influence of family/extended family members and parents.

Deadline: October 5, 2014
 Link:  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-153.html

8. School Wellness Policy Grants
The USDA Food & Nutrition Services (FNS) announces the availability of funds to conduct comprehensive school wellness policy surveillance at multiple levels, including state- and school district-levels.  

Deadline:  October 6, 2014
Link: http://www.grants.gov/custom/viewOppDetails.jsp?oppId=260630

9.  Health and Wellness Grants (PA)
The Blue Ribbon Foundation has established a Mini-Grants process to make smaller amounts of funding available for community health and human services programs.

Funding Amount: $10,000
Deadline: October 10, 2014 
Link: https://www.bcnepa.com/Community/BlueRibbon.aspx

10.  Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Grants
The purpose of this grant program is to fund improvements at public schools in the United States. Projects should fall into one of the following categories: technology upgrades, tools for STEM programs, facility renovations and safety improvements.

Funding Amount: $2000-100,000
Deadline: October 15, 2014
Link: http://responsibility.lowes.com/apply-for-a-grant/  

11. Early Childhood Education and Health Grants (Los Angeles County, California) 
The W.M. Keck Foundation seeks to promote the education and healthy development of children and youth, strengthen families and enhance the lives of people in the greater Los Angeles area through its support of organizations that provide early childhood education and health care.

Funding Amount: $100,000 to $1 M
Deadline:  Nov. 1, 2014
Link:  http://www.wmkeck.org/grant-programs/southern-california-program

12.  Fuel UP Play 60 Grants
Fuel Up to Play 60 awards grants to schools enrolled in their wellness program that may be used for a variety of activities and tools that jumpstart and sustain healthy nutrition and physical activity improvements. Funds can be used to conduct in-school promotions focused on creating a healthier school and to implement Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Plays. Funds can also be used for professional development, nutrition education materials, and physical education equipment and materials.

Funding Amount: $4000
Deadline:  November 5, 2014
Link: http://school.fueluptoplay60.com/funds/funds_for_futp60#overview

For additional grant opportunities check out out School Playground Grants Page and download free grant writing templates.

 Ten Tips for Getting your School Grant Funded.