As part NKE's culture goal we have adopted a program called Peaceful Playground. The purpose of the Peaceful Playground Program is to make the playground a safe and peaceful place to play, learn and grow. Peaceful Playground introduces children and school staff to many choices of activities available on playgrounds and field areas. The program has resulted in fewer playground conflicts, increased physical activity levels, fewer classroom interruptions and fewer injuries.
We teach our students to solve conflict by choosing to walk, talk or use the rock, paper, scissors game. The rock, paper, scissors option is selected about 95% of the time as children want to quickly get back into a game activity.
The two primary rules of the Peaceful Playground Program are, "You can't say you can't play" and "No do overs." At this time over 8,000 schools across the United States have adopted the program. You will notice in the pictures a few of the games that our students can choose to play.
From the Oregon School District Learning for the Future Blog. September 29, 2014.
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