Healthy Schools through improving physical activity and healthy eating.

Join  Amy Moyer, VP of Field Operations at Action for Healthy Kids, and two health specialists to discuss Making the Case for Healthy Schools and Students: Improving Academic Achievement through Healthy Eating and Physical Activity. Listen in as they identify actions that can be carried out by states, school districts, schools, parents, or students to support school health ac…
A "hot topic" any school year is the issue of Dodgeball.  Teachers and administrators will consider should we or shouldn't we allow dodgeball?  The National Association of Sport and Physical Education  put out a position statement on dodgeball a few years ago.  You can download it and  many other playground resources at Peaceful Playgrounds Resources. NASPE Position Statement on Dodgeball According to NASPE dodgeball is not an appr…
Peaceful Playgrounds has a number of resources for improving your playground. One of which is the Playground Behavior Report. #PE #recess #playgrounds