An article in Deleware online cites the benefits of Recess Before Lunch including better behavior and less food waste. Recent studies and data from districts across the country are convincing more school officials to change the time-honored order of lunch then recess.

According the the article: "Principals of scores of schools who moved recess before lunch discovered that not only do students eat more and waste less food, but behavior impr…
Contributed by Andrea Bossenmeyer

Earth day is around the corner and schools are currently competing to be dubbed America's Greenest School. Not only will they earn recognition for their efforts but also win a hybrid powered school bus.

Watch this video entry from some very well prepared, educated and adorable students!

Go watch the other entries and Vote Now!
Area district attorneys from MA find themselves inundated with calls following a South Hadley teen's suicide. The state legislature is struggling to craft anti-bullying legislation but concerned parents, school administrators and law enforcement are getting anxious about their role and responsibility in responding to bullying.

"It has been an explosion," Essex County District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett said, referring to the number…
For a get-out-and-play idea how about GeoCaching. Below is a short video to explain what it is and how to get involved.

Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online. Geocaching is enjoyed by people from all age groups, with a strong sense of community and s…
Contributed by Andrea Bossenmeyer

Fooducate is a great blog I follow. This morning they shared a brief history of how food became processed. I think it's a great share.

What you need to know:

Food processing is a set of methods and techniques used to transform raw food ingredients into consumable food. Food processing can be as simple as cutting up some vegetables to prepare a salad, or as complex as manufacturing a Twinkie in multiple processi…