Now is the time to SAVE RECESS. Before the school year schedule is set, let authorities know that kids have a right to recess. Our new materials can help you to make the case for the importance of recess.
Experts agree that playtime can be just as vital as classroom time to a child's social, emotional and educational development. Despite mounting evidence that kids need an outlet to blow off steam, learn to interact with others and get the exercise they need, nearly 40 percent of American elementary schools have either eliminated or are considering eliminating recess.
Due to school budget cuts and an increased focus on academic standards, millions of American schoolchildren may miss out on unstructured play with their peers including hopscotch, tag, kickball or jump rope.
Recess also functions successfully as an established school-based activity and should be carefully considered as part of any school health and wellness policy.
A survey conducted by the PTA showed that nine out of 10 teachers say recess and the free time spent with peers is an important part of the school day and is crucial to a child's social and emotional development.
Free Campaign Toolbox Package
You can have the Peaceful Playgrounds Right to Recess Campaign Toolbox sent directly to your email box. The campaign toolbox contains a full PowerPoint presentation and speakers notes along with all research and documents to support daily, unstructured physical activity during school hours.
Please help us spread the word that these resources are now available.
Let your community know that children have the Right to Recess!