Due to the current economic situation large budget items like playground structures, have been put on hold, however, a increasing popular playground solution know as "loose parts playgrounds" are gaining in popularity and functionality.
Loose parts for the playground setting are easily mobile, low cost, and have been shown to increase physical activity in children. What are loose parts? Parachutes, sand toys, balls and bean bags, game manipulatives, dramatic play toys, and tricycles to name a few.
Here's a list of five reasons to include loose parts on your playground according to playground designers and researchers, Eric Strickland and Jim Dempsey.
1) Loose parts encourage children to manipulate their environment.
2) Children choose playground equipment based on the amount of movement the equipment affords and the amount of variability it provides (Strickland, 1979).
3) Loose parts provide children with age-appropriate materials because each age group uses the materials in different ways peculiar to and appropriate for that group.
4) Loose parts provide children with age-appropriate materials because each age group uses the materials in different ways peculiar to and appropriate for that group.
5) Loose parts promote a wide variety of play behaviors.
More from the article: The "Whys" Have It! Why to Include Loose Parts on the Playground