NFL Network is launching Keep Gym in School, a national initiative dedicated to supporting physical education in America’s schools and raising awareness about the importance of physical activity as part of education.
In its first year, Keep Gym in School is funding refurbishments for Physical Education programs at select schools, hosting NFL minicamps to get kids active and assess their fitness levels. Students will participate in follow up testing to determine the local performers who will earn trips to a National Honors Event held during the 2009 NFL Draft week. Keep Gym in School has created a series of football-inspired lesson plans and a fitness assessment program in collaboration with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). The initiative is also incorporating the President’s Challenge, a physical activity and fitness recognition program of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS) and creating the “Keep Gym in School President’s Challenge” program.
National School Adoption Grant
To expand the program nationally, Keep Gym in School will provide one additional school with a $10,000 grant to improve its physical education program. NFL Network will offer an online adoption contest open to any middle school nationwide at www.KeepGyminSchool.com. Students, parents, teachers and other community members can nominate their school for the grant online at the website. A list of finalists selected from the nominations will be invited to apply for the grant. A national panel of judges will select the winner who will be announced at the National Honors Event.