Online Course: Low Cost High Activity Playgrounds
Low Cost, High Activity Playground Training
Playgrounds don’t have to be expensive to get kids active.  In fact, upper elementary students rarely play on play structures at all.  This session will cover alternatives to the typical playground structure and the research behind the effectiveness of alternative playground strategies like portable equipment, loose equipment, painted playground markings…
Playground Supervision Article
Serious accidents that occur in schools typically happen on the playground. In fact, approximately 200,000 accidents each year send children to the emergency room for treatment of an injury that occurred on the school playground. The following tips will help you to ensure that children are safe on your playground.  The National Program for Playground Safety (NPPS) recommends that the ratio of adult supervisors to c…
How to have a Peaceful Playground? Register for our online course.
Peaceful Playgrounds TrainingA Peaceful Playground? Sound Impossible? It’s not. With a few proven strategies, we’ll show you how to reduce bullying, and reduce playground conflicts, resulting in happy students and a thankful staff.Our research indicates that 5 situations contribute to 95% of all problems on typical elementary school playgrounds. In this fast-paced webinar, we’ll …
Playground Supervision and Legal Implications 
In this article, I will share with you some words of wisdom I have learned serving as an expert. One key in all these cases has been whether the Administration implemented and maintained active supervision. Check out our featured articles page.
How to use pedometers with children

Have you considered using pedometers with children? This webinar will provide some basics strategies for building a motivating walking program with children.We Count is a research-based walking program that includes information, parent and student newsletters, mini-lessons, motivational materials, and more for getting kids moving. This free webinar teaches participants how to make those steps count toward bett…
Playground Supervision and Injuries Playground Supervision
As I travel around the country speaking to teachers about their supervision responsibilities most indicate that they have not received training regarding their duties and responsibilities in supervising the playground.  Just as teachers are trained in classroom management techniques likewise they should receive playground supervisor training for this unique outdoor environment.   Schools …
Bullying Prevention Training for Teachers This course is designed to meet state bullying prevention training requirements for school staffs. The course will: 1. define bullying as prescribed by law, 2. give an overview of state legislative requirements, 3. provide teacher and staff training on responding to bullying and 4. will give guidance to the district, school and staff responsibilities as defined by legislation.      More……..School Staff  O…
Strategies for reducing playground injuries