Exercise Cards
The Peaceful Playgrounds set of Exercise Cards are easy to use and describe the exercises in the set, as well as, have an illustration for each task card. They are a great idea for brain break activities inside or perfect for warm-up exercises in physical education class held outside.

The digital download provides instant access to the pdf format of 12 exercise cards. This makes a great edition to the Peaceful Playgrounds line of …
II  On to Part 2 & Recommendations from Physical Educators.Our second post about the G in Gather and we will dissect  “Non-Human Resources.”I began researching this article by asking physical educators I know from twitter (an integral component of my PLN) what their favorite #physed (#physed is a popular hashtag on twitter) resources are. While almost all spoke highly of the “Human Resources” they’ve gained from Twitter and Voxer, here are …