Marlin Elementary School Peaceful Playgrounds News video.

Go Local: Cultivating Healthy Communities 2015 Grants Program"
Organization: Aetna Foundation
Program/Grant: Physical Activity grants for local communities.
Purpose: Supporting school gardens and community gardens
Funding: Cycle: Check website
Amount: $25,000 a year for 2 years
Eligibility: Varies

Find additional Grant Writing information and templates o…
For a limited time, Peaceful Playgrounds is offering a set of 10 full size roll-out stencils for $999.

Stencils include:
10 markings for teaching physical education or recess.  Game Markings include: Ladder, Vari-Beam, Block Walk, Midline and Crossover Walking Grids, Beam, Hopscotch, Beanbag Toss, Alphabet and Number Grids.