KaBoom is offering selected community groups an $8,500 grant to go towards the purchase of playground equipment.   Some of the requirements of the grant are that a community leader recruit 75-100 volunteers to assist with the playground build. More information is available at: http://kaboom.org/build_playground/build_it_kaboom_playground_grant
Eagle Scout, Phillip Le France "with a little help from his friends" painted the U.S. Playground Map for his local elementary  school.  Phillip is a member of Troop 1040 of Highland, Il.  He is in the Cahokia Mounds District and a member of the Lewis and Clark Council.

Great painting job Phillip!

To order the U.S. Map Stencil go to: http://www.peacefulplaygrounds.com/product/catalog/u-s-playgroundmap-stencil/

We also have the World Map…
Our featured article called, "Keeping Kids Cool at School" points out the importance of developing plans and procedures for when the weather conditions require recess modifications.

Each year schools face the challenges associated with outdoor recess and overheated classrooms. Principals and physical educators will face daily decisions regarding children’s heat health on the playground.

In this article we will review some informat…