Nearly everyday we get a call asking us to explain what comes with the Peaceful Playgrounds School Recess Program?This is an opportunity to find out.Download the brochure or visit our webpage with all the components listed to enhance your school playground experience for students.
Additional questions?  Call us at 951-245-6970Peaceful Playgrounds Recess ProgramPeaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Design permanent playground activities that help …
Four Square Playground Layout Video

 This video shows how to layout a Four Square Court using the Peaceful Playgrounds Stencil.  We also included tips on how much color to use and the right kind of outdoor paint so that it can with stand weather conditions.

You can find the stencil  on the Playground Stencils page. 
Four Square Stencils The four square stencil comes with 17 large pieces of paper with holes to chalk the outline of a square and m…
How to paint the Peaceful Playgrounds Hopscotch Stencil. Watch Video.

Hopscotch The hopscotch stencil is one piece of large paper for the court.  Dots outline the court and then you connect the  dots,  and paint inside the squares.  Need more than one hopscotch court?  No problem move the paper to the next spot for the court and repeat.  Hopscotch is a child favorite grades 1-3.