Contributed by JC Boushh East Providence Elementary School, Rhode Island eliminates recess for its elementary students to make time for a more comprehensive physical education program. In laymen’s terms out with free-play and in with Marine Corp. calisthenics. National statistics on recess indicate that approximately 50% of children are not getting recess in the United States public school system. Some of the reasons given for eliminating recess…
Contributed by JC Boushh With the incredible advances in technology kids today have a very short distance to go to be entertained. The internet, texting, and satellite TV have brought children into a world of constant stimulation and entertainment. Today’s children cannot tolerate solitude or boredom, and they seem to be in a constant state of alert. In essence parents, teachers, and caregivers have become cruise directors for kids, thereby stif…
If you missed it, last week the Los Angeles Times ran a series on "Grading the Teacher." It caused quite a stir.

Below is the introduction to the series as listed in the opening Times article. "The Los Angeles Times has obtained seven years of math and English test scores from the Los Angeles Unified School District, and used the information to estimate the effectiveness of L.A. teachers, which it says LAUSD could have done but…
Contributed by JC Boushh A recent article on The Many Benefits of Recess in Schools cites the Council on Physical Education for Children position paper on the crucial role recess plays in school academics. Recess allows children to take a break from the pressure of academics and allows them to practice major life skills; conflict resolution, cooperation, respect for rules, taking turns, sharing, using language to communicate, and problem solving…
I wanted to forward you some pictures of our new Peaceful Playgrounds - the activities really will make the playground an exciting place for our students, starting this morning! I also need to tell you that Cary did an outstanding job at our Peaceful Playgrounds inservice yesterday. I loved the energy and enthusiasm she displayed, and the way she involved everyone in a discussion of the program and in the activities themselves. Our staff and stu…