Some traditions never die and it seems that street ball is one that lives on in NYC.
See video below from NY Post.

A related article in the NY Post asks the question, What happened to NY's storied street games? Even though some of the information in the article has some inadequacies.... (ie. Since 1995, there’s even been a program, “Peaceful Playgrounds,” that some states have adopted to ensure play periods remain mild and sedate.) generally…
I just found out that my new Fitbit was mailed today. Yes. It's true I've blogged about it before. I purchased a Fitbit in Oct. 09 but it didn't arrive until late January. I used it for 1 month and then it came off and I lost it. (Should have a safety latch like a pedometer). I've missed my Fitbit so I broke down and reordered it earlier this week.

Here's the scoop on this new technology according to the manufacturer.

May 3 was the Kick Off of the The National Physical Activity Plan which is a cross sector initiative to Get America Moving. The plan is based on incorporating movement into our daily lives as a key to staying healthy. The National Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that youth accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity into each day – 30 minutes for adults – yet up until now, this has been a concept easier said than done.

The National Coaliti…
I met Sharon Krull over 20 years ago. You may know her by her blog, "Sharin' with Sharron." She has a blog on movement, play and physical activity for children.

Today's blog activity is called, "Ducking out of Duck, Duck, Goose." It is a great activity to check out and she renames it, A Tisket, A Tasket, My Fruit & Veggie Basket

How to play:
1. Sit young children (players) in a circle.
2. One child is chosen to hol…
Mission: Readiness is a nonprofit organization of retired senior military leaders. Their latest concern is over what they call, "The latest national security threat: obesity."

Being overweight or obese has become the leading medical reason recruits are rejected for military service. In fact in the last fifteen years, the proportion of potential recruits who failed their physical exams because of weight issues has increased nearly 70 …