by Andrea Bossenmeyer

Severn Cullis-Suzuki is my hero. My new found hero! I am so proud of her and her friends whom founded Environmental Children’s Organization (ECO) a non-profit at the age of 10. She also fundraised all the money to go speak first international Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 at the age of 12.

This video has just now found it's way to me...but it's worth 5 min of silence. Hush and listen:

Now adults, go t…
Principal's testimonial of effects of Peaceful Playgrounds on her school site.

1) Significant decrease in office discipline referrals
2) More kids playing cooperatively
3) More kids joining into games
4) Staff enjoying learning playground games

Peaceful Playgrounds Comprehensive Kit

Instructional Games DVD's
Children Learn to Play Peacefully

Peaceful Playgrounds Comprehensive Kit

Peaceful Playgrounds Physical Education (Fundamental)
Despite a history of splendid multi-sport athletes, youth sports has seen a rapid increase in its athletes specializing in one sport. Sports specialization is beginning at younger and younger ages.

While sports specialization may seem like a good idea on the surface, there are several risks and reasons to opt for a well-rounded athlete.

More from Youth Fitness Magazine
From Pittsburgh Post

Pittsburgh Public Schools are integrating yoga into the phys ed curriculum to diversify the gym experience and give students at different levels of fitness an activity they can adapt to at their own pace and still have a workout.

"We build our [phys ed] curriculum around five components -- body composition, flexibility, muscular, strength and cardiovascular endurance -- and yoga has a direct impact on all of t…