By Andrea Bossenmeyer

Around the Peaceful Playground offices, I'm known for starting our recycling bins, and insisting on non-toxic cleaning products like Method, as well as teaching co-workers about the hazards of processed foods etc.

I follow the Healthy Child Healthy World Blog and can't say enough good things about it. Their Mission is to igniting a movement that inspires parents to protect young children from harmful chemicals.

They …
by Travis Saunders Obesity Panacea

In most developed nations, kids get far less physical activity than they did just a few generations ago. Given the strong links between physical inactivity and health risk (and given that we're now seeing "adult" diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes in children and teenagers), this has become a very real public health concern. Unfortunately, when it comes to increasing childhood physic…
West Virginia University’s Dr. Linda Carson will receive the Margie R. Hanson Elementary Physical Education Distinguished Service Award from the National Association for Sport and Physical Education during the national convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance ending today in Indiana.

Carson is also the founder of Choosy Kids, a company that uses the character “Choosy” to promote healthy decision mak…
Mandated PE Policies Ignored in CA

Source: Dick Jones Communications from American Medical Network

Obesity boot camps are not the answer to the nation’s waistline problem, says Deborah J. Wray, associate professor in the department of kinesiology at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth.

“Many programs have developed out of a desire to take advantage of the money that can be made from the obesity epidemic,” she writes in the March 2010 issue…
Reading and math are important, but so are social studies, science, the arts and recess, Duncan said Monday on ABC's ''Good Morning America.''

Expanding on and explaining President Barack Obama's proposal to change NCLB legislation, Duncan said the new focus goes beyond math and reading to ''a well-rounded education,'' Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Thursday in the NYT.

NYT article: Duncan: More …