For Christmas my daughters (25yrs & 27 yrs old) ask for the Nintendo Wii with the balance boards and fitness additional components. I figured it couldn't hurt. For my granddaughter I got a Smart Cycle. I don't ever endorse products but since these were so close to home I thought I'd share some research on these and other electronic games which aim to improve fitness.

Popular exergames include Nintendo Wii, Dance Dance Revolution…
Peaceful Playgrounds February 2010 Grants Newsletter has been released.
Articles include: Schools Role in the Childhood Obesity Crisis

Grant information

CVS Caremark Community Grants
Coca-Cola Foundation Grants
Peaceful Pathways. Reducing Exposure to Violence
Shade Structure Program
ING Unsung Heros Grants
Finish Line Youth Foundation Grants
Alarming new study indicates that children burdened with overweight and obesity were twice as likely to die before 55 compared to their thinnest counterparts. Most effected were the children with the pre-diabetes diagnosis.

The study, published Thursday in The New England Journal of Medicine, analyzed data gathered from Pima and Tohono O’odham Indians, whose rates of obesity and Type 2 diabetes soared decades before weight problems became widesp…
The Obama administration will begin a drive this week to expel Pepsi, French fries and Snickers bars from the nation’s schools in hopes of reducing the number of children who add pounds during their school years, according to the New York Times.

In legislation, soon to be introduced, candy and sugary beverages would be banned and many schools would be required to offer more nutritious fare. The announcement is expected to come today, President&#…
The poster is part of First Lady Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity entitled, "Let's Move."

For a short video and components of the Let's Move Initiative visit the website.