General Mills Foundation Champions for Healthy Kids (National)

Through the Champions for Healthy Kids program, the General Mills Foundation will award 50 grants of $20,000 each to non-profit organizations working to improve nutrition and physical fitness behaviors for youth.  Peaceful Playgrounds is a model program for this grant. 

Visit our grants page for a sample Peaceful Playgrounds Grant Template to use with your application.
Online Applica…
Kaboom and Stonyfield Farm have joined up to offer a grant for $50,000 toward a volunteer-built playspace. Schools collect lids to specially-marked yogurt containers for Stonyfield Farm yogurt between now and December 31, 2008. The group that sends in the most lids wins.

Click for more information on Stonyfield Farm Yogurt/Kaboom Grant.

A special thanks to Peaceful Playgrounds Blog Reader "Jason" for bringing this grant to my attenti…