May 3 was the Kick Off of the The National Physical Activity Plan which is a cross sector initiative to Get America Moving. The plan is based on incorporating movement into our daily lives as a key to staying healthy. The National Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that youth accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity into each day – 30 minutes for adults – yet up until now, this has been a concept easier said than done.
The National Coalition of Physical Activity website is filled with resources including:
* Resources & Reports
* National Physical Activity Plan
* Physical Activity Fact Sheets
* Physical Activity Tools & Resources
* Physical Activity Reports & Research
* State Physical Activity Coalitions
* Healthy People 2020
Related Information:
Model Programs in Nutrition and Physical Activity with Young People - General Mills focus is to support innovative programs that focus on youth nutrition and fitness, social services, education and arts and culture.
Peaceful Playgrounds is among the list of recommendation programs.
Peaceful Playgrounds is a research-based Recess and physical activity program for schools and parks. Peaceful Playgrounds allows schools to add 100 permanent games and markings, painted on their playground through stencils provided with the program. Materials included in a comprehensive kit, provide the tools needed to make your playground peaceful. Documented key benefits include: more physically active children, increase in children participating in games, decrease in bullying, as well as decrease in playground conflicts and injuries.