Just released. Second edition Peaceful Playgrounds Activity Guides. New Guides contain many new items such as : Play Nice Parent Pages, playground behavior forms, equipment check-out form, playground safety rules poster, student injury form and much more!
Activity Guides for a Consistent Set of Rules
The Activity Guides provide a consistent set of rules for each game and give a program overview as well as playground report forms and equipment lists.
Good Sportsmanship Certificates and reward coupons are also found in the guide. Equipment suggestions will help with planning and overall organization of the Peaceful Playground Program.
There are 4 Activities Guides included:
* Kindergarten & Preschool Activities Guide
* Primary Activities Guide
* Upper Elementary Activities Guide
* Field Activities Guide
Instructions and Rules to Implement over 100 Games
Preschool and Kindergarten - Alphabet Grid - Balance Beam Snake - Crossover Walk - Directionality Box - Jumping Grid - Leap Frog - Midline Jumping - Multi-use Circle - Scattered Circles - Shape Grid - Stepping Stones with Letters - Tricycle Track - Zig Zag Footprints
Primary Grades K-3 - Alphabet Track - Alphabet Grid - Ball Hop Scotch - Bean Bag Four Square - Bean Bag Toss - Cross-Over Walking Grid - Freeze Out Court - Four Corners Court - Four Square Court - Galloping Track - Hit the Stick Court - Hop Scotch - Mid-Line Jumping Grid - Multi-Use Circle - Multi-Use Square - Number Grid - Scattered Circles - Skipping Track - Tether Ball Court
Upper Elementary Grades 3-6 - Around the World - Backup - Basketball - Bounce Ball - Box Ball - Four Corners - Four Square - Handball - Jolly Ball - Long Ball - Newcomb - Pickle - Prisoner - Sideline Basketball - Shuffleboard - Team Four Square - Tetherball - Twenty One - Volleyball - Volley Tennis
Field Activities Grades 1-6 - Beat the Ball - Couples Tag - Cross Over - Crows and Cranes - Endline Soccer - Frisbee Golf - Hill Dill - Home Run - Line Soccer - Man from Mars - Modified Soccer - One Base Kickball - Rounders - Sideline Soccer - Snatch It - Softball - Throw it and Run Softball - Touch Down - Touch Football - Work-Up Softball