Hawaii's food targets fit

"Ultimately, at the end of the day, we are making decisions that benefit all students," said Hawaii DOE Superintendent Patricia Hamamoto. She was speaking about Hawaii's recent legislation that requires physical activity and makes dramatic changes in the way school lunches are prepared and served. Over the next four years schools are required to phase out foods and drinks high in fat and sugar and will be promoting more healthy food choices. They will be required to provide educational lessons in the importance of physical activity and healthy nutrition choices.

Hawaii's New Nutritional standards for food on campus
All snack and beverage items served or sold on school property, including fundraising items, must meet the following standards:

Based on manufacturer’s nutritional data or nutrient facts labels (per serving).
TOTAL FAT No more than 8 grams
SATURATED FAT No more than 2 grams
TRANS FAT 0 grams
CALORIES No more than 200
SODIUM No more than 200 milligrams
SUGAR No more than 8 grams
DIETARY FIBER More than 2 grams
ALL BEVERAGES Not to exceed 12 ounces, except for water and milk.
Source: State of Hawaii

Sound like an interesting idea? Check out the Peaceful Playgrounds We Count Walking Program with lessons on nutrition and physical activity.

Other blogs on school nutrition and fitness.

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