Play Every Day Legislation

S 651 PLAY Every Day Act 2/15/07

To help promote the national recommendation of physical activity to kids, families, and communities across the United States. The Secretary of Education, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall provide grants to State health departments to enable the State health departments to work in partnership with eligible community-based coalitions to plan and implement model communities of play. They shall use grant funds in partnership with community coalitions to carry out a community action plan and promote a model community of play, by enabling the maximum use of, or the creation of, spaces and places for physical activity for children, families, and communities before, during, and after school or work. This may include increasing the number of schools serving the community that provide recess, physical education, and physical activity for children and youth.

Sponsors: Harken, Clinton

Co-sponsors: Bingaman, Hagel, Landrieu, Mikulski, Sanders, Boxer, Durbin, Inouye, Menendez, Nelson

Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

HR 2045 PLAY Every Day Act 4/27/07
House version.

Sponsors: Udall, Granger, Boswell, McIntyre, Cummings

Co-sponsors: Abercrombie, Allen, Blumenauer, Alexander, Bishop, Bordallo, Boucher, Brady, Braley, Capps, Carson, Castor, Chandler, Christensen, Cohen, Delahunt, Doyle, Duncan, English, Etheridge, Filner, Fortuno, Frank, Gerlach, Gillibrand, Gonzalez, Gordon, Green, Hastings, Hinchey, Hinojosa, Israel, Jefferson, Kind, LaHood, Lewis, Maloney, Markey, Marshall, McGovern, McNulty, Miller, Moran, Musgrave, Myrick, Napolitano, Norton, Olver, Pastor, Payne, Price, Ramstad, Renzi, Rothman, Salazar, Schakowsky, Snyder, Souder, Towns, Weiner

Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce

Please look this legislation over, and if your Senator or Representative is not listed in the sponsorship, contact them and ask for their support. You can find their contact information at