CYCLE Kids Grants (Deadling March 3)

The grant was established to provide a Program to a school or organization that would otherwise not have been able to purchase a Program outright. Our Program is founded on the premise that good health is holistic: nutrition, physical activity, intellectual stimulation, and emotional well-being are all related facets of overall wellness. CYCLE Kids uses a comprehensive curriculum that teaches not just the skill and safe practices of riding a bike, but also how to make good nutrition choices; incorporating physical activity, reading, and writing skills.

The Program
Designed for 4th and 5th grade students, can be taught during physical education classes or in after school programs. CYCLE Kids recommends the Program be taught for at least eight class sessions, a minimum of 1 hour each session. A CYCLE Kids Program costs $15,000 and includes the following:
  • A license agreement with CYCLE Kids
  • Teacher guidebooks
  • Teacher training
  • 50 student textbooks
  • 10 bicycles
  • 25 helmets

Deadline: March 3, 2014

Amount: $15,000
