The grant was established to provide a Program to a school or organization that would otherwise not have been able to purchase a Program outright. Our Program is founded on the premise that good health is holistic: nutrition, physical activity, intellectual stimulation, and emotional well-being are all related facets of overall wellness. CYCLE Kids uses a comprehensive curriculum that teaches not just the skill and safe practices of ri…
As promised the President and VP show us how they move.  #LETSMOVE   How do you move?  Use hashtag #LETSMOVE

Then National Gathering of the Best of the Best in Physical Education!

One of the premier events for the Physical Education community is the National Physical Education Institute.  It is where the leaders go to :

Learn about new tools, strategies, and information on how to develop a K-12 curriculum aligned with student assessment. 

By attending this conference you will:
• Gain valuable insight as how to align the written, taught, and tested curr…
General Mills Foundation Champions for Healthy Kids (National)

Through the Champions for Healthy Kids program, the General Mills Foundation will award 50 grants of $20,000 each to non-profit organizations working to improve nutrition and physical fitness behaviors for youth.  Peaceful Playgrounds is a model program for this grant. 

Visit our grants page for a sample Peaceful Playgrounds Grant Template to use with your application.
Online Applica…
I received this letter last week and felt it has a lot of good information that many educators are asking about.

I am writing to ask about an opinion expressed in an article on the website.  The article,  Playground Liability: Accident or Injury states On average, 17 children die each year playing on playgrounds.

It contains some good advice about supervision, but I would like to know what information, presented in the article, was used t…
Play Nice Newsletter just released.
Snow Days
Active Games

As childhood obesity rates continue to climb public heath agencies and researchers are looking at the value of recess in terms of children's energy expenditure.  In other words, "Is fun enough when it comes to recess games or should we be emphasizing active play games and activities?"

To find out the answer to that question, researchers from Children's Hospital Boston's Clinical Research Program and UMass Amherst are …
Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools administrators recently received backlash from parents for their plan to shorten recess to make up for instructional minutes lost due to snow days.

It seems that after reviewing a variety of plans to capture lost minutes from snow days they decided that cutting recess by 15 minutes and lengthening the school day by 5 minutes was the best solution for making up the 20 hour deficit they are now facing…
Check out the Winter Olympics Pinterest Board at http://www.pinterest.com/jhaltman/olympics/ .

Various Winter Olympics Ideas include:

Winter Olympics 2014 Opening Ceremonies BINGO-30 Days Blog

Olympic cookies-Blessed Beyond a Doubt Blog

Winter Olympics Circuit Training for Kids-Toddler Approved Blog

2014 Winter Olympics Lap Book-Cindi Kinney

Winter Olympics PE Stations-Brandy Owens Teachers Pay Teachers

Winter Olympics Multiplication Roll-Jamie Sear…
Deadline in Feb. 2014 1. Smart for the Start Contest Organization: Discovery Communications
Website: http://www.togethercounts.com/sfts/application/start
Purpose: Promoting healthy habits for preschools or headstart programs.
Funding Cycle: 2-28-2014
Amount: $2,500-20,000
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations
Contact: Alli Delano   adelano@healthyweightcommit.org   (800) 323-9084
Deadline in March 2014 2. Champions for Healthy Kids Academy Nut…
A well designed playground decreases bullying.

Ever wonder why some schools report few incidents of bullying and kids report that they feel safe at school while other students report just the opposite?

The design of the playground makes a big difference in both physical and emotional feelings of safety.  The following suggestions will help you in considering some re-design questions.

1.  Can a supervisor see all children at all times on the playgro…