Are you receiving the WOWS Newsletter from the Healthy Kids Challenge?
It is a great resource and full of ideas and tips for keeping kids healthy. Below is a sample of a item that was included in this week's Wednesday Wows Newsletter.
....Easy HEAR-SEE-DO action tips each week
HEAR .... Provide a message to increase awareness of knowledge/skills
SEE .... Show people HOW to make healthy changes
DO .... Help people practice and make healthy changes
Fundraisers that Send a Healthy Message
Raise school/program funds AND stay within wellness policies. Now you can have BOTH with the following suggestions!
* Healthy Kids Dance - Raise funds and GET HEALTHY with Dance for Health™. This unique fundraiser gets families and communities involved in healthy behaviors!
* Alternative Fundraising - Ideas of things to SELL or DO
1. Provide a fun, physically active fundraising event, like Dance for Health™! HKC offers a Dance for Health™ kit that has everything you need to know -- ideas for a press release, how to collect money, equipment and space needs, healthy snack ideas, and getting local volunteer support. Check it out!
2. Reduce the emphasis on high fat, sugar and salty food gifts by selling healthier food choices like local fruit and nut baskets or a non-food line of products like school T-shirts or calendars.
3. Consider service-oriented fundraisers like holiday gift wrapping or community work days. Fundraising while helping others is a Win/Win!
Better yet, consider a Peaceful Playgrounds option. Why not earn money for a playground games make-over by painting 100 games and markings on the blacktop.

It is economical, fun and a great community building event.