New Recess Before Lunch Study Released

The Montana Team Nutrition 2008 school principals survey on Recess Before Lunch was recently released. Download the survey from our Recess Before Lunch Featured Article page.

Don't miss our next Recess Before Lunch Free Webinar scheduled for: Wed, Apr 22, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

Additional Recess Before Lunch Resources include:

Recess Before Lunch

Action for Healthy Kids Colorado, Western Dairy Council, 2005

Relationships of Meal and Recess Schedules to Plate Waste Study
National Food Services Management Institute.

Barriers to Recess Placement Prior to Lunch in Elementary Schools

Publication for Child Nutrition Professionals from the National Food Service Management Institute, Summer 2006

Scheduling Recess Before Lunch Proves Itself
National Dairy Council, Sept/Oct. 2004

Benefits of Recess Before Lunch Fact Sheet

Child and Adult Nutrition Services, SD Department of Education

Recess Before Lunch: It Does Make a Difference

Rainville, Alice. School Nutrition Association Conference Presentation 2006