Some of the most sought after grants available to physical educators are the Department of Education Federal PEP Grants. This program provides grants to initiate, expand, and improve physical education programs for K-12 students in order to help them make progress toward meeting state standards for physical education. PEP grants have a maximum $500,000 per year funding ceiling or a 1.5M cap for three years.
Peaceful Playgrounds has successfully assisted many school districts in securing grant funding for the past 5 years. Should you wish Peaceful Playground's grant writing team's assistance for your district PEP grant application, please call Andrea or Gwyn at 877-444-9888.
It is anticipated that the PEP grant applications will be released Jan. 15, 2009 and will be due March 6, 2009 according to the Federal Grant Registry. We will send out an announcement when applications are ready for download.
Remember to check out the Peaceful Playgrounds Grants webpage on our website for samples of winning PEP grants and application materials.