Are you writing a PEP Grant? Check out our writing resources that are available for download and listed below. Also consider attending one of the Peaceful Playgrounds PEP Grant Writing Webinars.
1. Physical Education for Progress Grant - PEP Grant Info
2. PEP Narrative for Peaceful Playgrounds Program -
3. Peaceful Playgrounds Program Flyer pepflyer2009.pdf
4. PEP Narrative for including Peaceful Playgrounds, Fundamental Movement and We Count Pedometer Program in your PEP Grant -pepnarrativefunwecount2008.pdf
5. PEP Scoring Rubric for 2009 Grants -
Contact us for the latest information.
6. PEP Grant Application - pepapplication2009.pdf
7. PEP Frequently Asked Questions - pepfaq2009.pdf
8. PEP Budget for Peaceful Playgrounds, Fundamental Movement and We Count Pedometer Wellness
Programs - pepbudget2009.pdf
9. PEP 2009 Announcement in Federal Registry - pepannounce2009.pdf