Reasonable care does not require constant and undeviating scrutiny of a particular child on a supervised playground. Accordingly, a playground supervisor is not necessarily negligent if he or she fails to observe a particular child at the precise moment an injury occurs.

Read on to learn about teacher responsibilities in supervising the playground.

Interested in learning more? Sign up for the online Playground Supervisor Training Course and Certi…
The "all or nothing" methods of problem solving never fails to amaze me. Here's the latest example. A private school in Maryland used the adjacent park for recess. It seems that preschool parents complained that the older school kids were taking over the park, playing inappropriately, and leaving trash.

The result was to ban the school kids from entering the park between 9-4.

Why not ask the school to increase supervision? Stude…
Ed Week ran a story called, "Say Yes to Recess"
The following is a response from a CA Physical Educator who addressed the many benefits of recess.

Being free to make choices and to play is absolutely necessary to children as they develop social skills, which todays children seem to lack, as well promoting creativity. Only play/exercise truly develops these skills, at a young age.

The neuro-scientists have been telling us, for some time n…