How to use pedometers with children

Have you considered using pedometers with children? This webinar will provide some basics strategies for building a motivating walking program with children.We Count is a research-based walking program that includes information, parent and student newsletters, mini-lessons, motivational materials, and more for getting kids moving. This free webinar teaches participants how to make those steps count toward bett…
Most kids will say that "walking is boring,"  but when you add incentives like step logs, motivational lessons, a cadence CD and certificates you're sure to get your students attention.

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Using Pedometers…
We Count Walking Program Meets Federal Criteria as a Promising Practice in After school Programming. Peaceful Playgrounds was a highlighted program in the curriculum category for the Promising Practices in After School Programming List Serve.

Peaceful Playgrounds is a physical activity program that has shown to decrease playground injuries, decrease bullying, and increase children’s physical activity levels.
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