A Marine gives instructions to students before a fitness rotation during Military Day at Mary Fay Elementary School on Camp Pendleton Friday, March 6. The Marines assisted students in physical training activities.

Published March 18 in the Village News for Fallbrook and Bonsall Communities.
Today I'm going to point you to one of my favorite educational magazines and websites called, Edutopia.org They cover all aspects of education but for my readers I'm bringing to your attention their content about health and fitness. Enjoy.

* Fighting for Fitness: Educational Institutions Step into the Ring
* Sage Advice: The Challenge of Childhood Obesity
* Fit for Life: A Coach's Pep Talk
* The New PE Curriculum: An In…
Is physical education a necessity? These's one agency that has a strong opinion on the matter. The military. With the nation at war the nation's fitness effects national security. The current situation is dire.

The Associated Press last week reported concerns over the number of overweight military applicants. The Defense Department told the AP over 47,000 recruits flunked induction physicals during the last four years.

How bad is the …
Healthy students make better students according to the "Get Fit with Coach Smith" program called EduFit. Coach Smith began working with students at an inner city school in Broward County helping them to become responsible for their health by teaching them about nutrition, eating responsibly and increasing physical activity.
I read an article today that definitely fits into the "pretending not to know what we know" category identified by esteemed educational researcher Carl Glickman. Such was the title of an article by Glickman in the early 80's . I think his reasoning is still applicable today.... Consider the story below.

In San Diego, CA Physical Education teacher Jessica Casilla encourages students to, "Come walk. Come on, warm up that body…
Imagination Playground is a place where kids will exercise their minds as well as their muscles.
A unique joining of private and public entities in order to provide a new playground model for cities. The first that I've heard of is this one in New York City where the Rockwell Group and New York City Department of Parks and Recreation have collaborated to create a new playground model that is a dynamic alternative to more traditional play …
This article was copied in its entirety because it gives such a great perspective...
post submitted by Andrea Bossenmeyer

Of all the challenges to reversing our national obesity epidemic, the one that concerns me most is what I call the "distortion of normality." While constants in science (physical values or principles) are well known and don't change, life has far fewer "constants."

The constants we tend to adhere to most …
According to 9 year old Sydnie the gym situation is working out just fine because: "the adults don't really bother us because we're doing our own thing and they're doing theirs."

Sydnie's mom has a different perspective: " bringing the kids to the gym with me is a way for me to show, not 'tell' them that I work out, too, to be healthy." She adds that "it's a nice combination for a busy parent …
Saucony has been keeping up on the research that notes that 4 out of 5 children will carry the weight from adolescence to adulthood, which results in health problems.

The Saucony Run For Good Grant is open to communities and non-profits that initiate and support running and fitness programs for kids.
Richard Simmons' campaign to bring physical education classes back to schools is gaining some important supporters-- key policy makers on Capitol Hill. According to Simmons, he makes no apologies for his "impatience with the current presidential contest, characterizing it as a political circus that drowns out calls to address the real crisis in children's health and fitness".

Fitness Integrated with Teaching Kids Act (FIT Kid…