Get'em Up, Moving and Learning- NEW CD

 By Carrie Flint- Peaceful Playgrounds Master Trainer


Teaching Tips

This CD was created for the classroom teacher.  My objective was to provide activities that tell the students exactly what to do. In addition, the length of each song is as close to 3 minutes as possible.  In my teacher trainings, I have discovered that that 3 minutes was “doable” for the teacher to implement.  However, as a physical educator, I know this is a perfect length of time to do an activity that will keep the students engaged and finished before they get bored.

In addition to the time element, I wanted to provide activities that not only were enjoyable and easy to implement but would also provide “practice” time and address physical education standards.  Many classroom teachers today are responsible for teaching physical education and often have mandated minutes to meet.  These brain breaks provide a creative approach to get some of the mandated minutes in.  For example, “Balloons to the Moon” instruct the students to keep their eyes on the balloon and strike the balloon with their hands, knees, elbows, and feet.  Thus, a perfect activity for building hand eye coordination and addressing a few specific CA Physical Education Standards.

DO YOU NEED EQUIPMENT?  YES, but it is not necessary for each activity and I recommend very inexpensive/homemade implements.  Again, the reason I did include activities that require equipment is because these activities not only are brain breaks but opportunities to build the foundational gross motor and cooperation skills.

Activities were selected with all ages in mind (elementary/middle/high).  YES, a couple are best for the younger grades and YES a couple are best for the upper grades.  By including the instrumental version of each song allows you to make slight adjustments to meet the needs of your students.