General Mills Champions for Healthy Kids Grant

Each year since the inception of the Champions for Healthy Kids program, the General Mills Foundation has awarded 50 grants of $10,000 each to community-based groups like this that develop creative ways to help youth adopt a balanced diet and physically active lifestyle.

Deadline for Applications: December 15, 2010

Application link.

Remember to include Peaceful Playgrounds in your grant application as we were selected as a model program.

Peaceful Playgrounds is a evidence-based Recess and physical activity program for schools and parks. Peaceful Playgrounds allows schools to add 100 permanent games and markings, painted on their playground through stencils provided with the program. Materials included in a comprehensive kit, provide the tools needed to make your playground peaceful. Documented key benefits include: more physically active children, increase in children participating in games, decrease in bullying, as well as decrease in playground conflicts and injuries.