By: Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer

The following tips can help promote recess in your schools:1. Work with the School Wellness Committee to add Recess to your School Wellness Policy. Consider requiring recess daily in K-5, and determine the number of recess minutes each grade level should receive. These recommendations/requirements should be included in your policy.  ......... FREE DOWNLOADStays active for one week Find Full article on Peaceful Playgrou…
DescriptionThe Peaceful Playgrounds Active Alphabet Movement Card Set is easy to use and has an illustration for each movement card. They are a great idea for brain break activities inside or perfect for warm-up movement experience in physical education class held outside.The digital download provides instant access to the pdf format of 26 movement cards (a card for each letter of the alphabet. This makes a great addition to the Peaceful Playgro…
This card set of ideas will help you identify indoor recess and PE ideas.  Use these to draw cards to determine idea choices and assignments. 
Order 20 Rainy Day ActivitiesAvailable for one week after posting.
All New Volume III
I just updated the Rainy Day Activities file for Recess and PE with many new activities.  As you may know, these 10 Activity lists are resources with multiple other activities.   There are literally 100's of activities.  Most are designed for indoors.You can download it from our free gift tab on our website.
Grab this set of Super Heroes Brain Break Cards that’s sure to motivate active learning. Brain Breaks help to focus children, re-energize them and get them up and moving in a classroom. Students have fun with a “themed” set of 12 brain break cards. Some examples include:
1. Captain America
2. Superman
3. Wonder Woman
4. Spiderman
5. Hulk
6. Silver Surfer
7. Batmen
8. Thor
9. Aqua Man
10. Iron Man
11. Hal Jordan
12. Red TornadoPrintable version
* Print pages …
Grab this set of Fantasy Football Brain Breaks that are sure to motivate active learning.  Brain Breaks help to focus children, re-energize them and get them up and moving in a classroom.Students have fun with a Fantasy Football “themed” set of 19 brain break cards.  Some examples include:  Run with knees high for 30 seconds, do your best touchdown and do a stadium wave.
Printable version*Print pages on card stock*Laminate if you prefer*Cut out c…
Apply Now to one of these educational grant opportunities!Saucony Run For Good Foundation Invites Applications for Youth Running Programs, Deadline: Rolling. Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to community-based nonprofits that initiate and support running programs for kids....Kars4Kids Small Grant Program, Deadline: Rolling. The Kars4Kids Small Grant Program supports educational initiatives and youth development programs in North America w…
Enjoy this set of 12 yoga cards. Poses for both boys and girls. A perfect indoor recess or PE activity. Additional, activity suggestions including a music and movement song, and a yoga fitness circle.Printable version
* Print pages on card stock*Cut out cards.
*Hole punch brain break cards and put on a ring

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Free Download - Available for one week after posting.