Check out Peaceful Playgrounds Featured Articles. Find a sampling below.  Titles link to complete articles.

Physical Activity: What is it? Why is it so important?

Playground Games
 What is physical activity and why is it important?
Physical activity is any bodily exercise that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health or wellness.  We think of physical activity as burning energy or calories. For health benefits, physical activity should be moderate or vigorous intensity, according to the USDA.
Some examples of moderate activities include […]

Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Kit

The playground is an essential part of any school and every community. Children spend many hours of their day occupying themselves with what the playground has to offer. The nearby neighborhood may enjoy both its appearance and its utility.
“With the Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Kit, you can transform your playground into a colorful arrangement of […]

Physical Activity Articles (Kids)

What does moderate to vigorous physical activity mean for kids?  by Rachel DeHaven, Physical Activity Specialist, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Simply put, moderate and vigorous are terms to explain how hard your body is working when doing that particular activity. Exercise physiologists measure activity in metabolic equivalents or METS. One MET is defined as the […]

Recess Articles

Improving Recess
Articles on Improving Recess
The 2014 School Health Policies and Practices Study by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 82.8 percent of elementary schools provided a daily recess for all grades indoors, while fewer than two-thirds of middle schools and only 26.5 percent of high schools offered physical activity breaks outside of physical […]

Peaceful Playgrounds’: Designed for Learning

Peaceful Playground
An ever constant mantra in teaching is “what is the learning objective?”  Is your playground a place of active learning?  When I was a principal, I remember an experience while observing a classroom of 3rd graders.  Students were digging in a sand bucket for plastic dinosaurs. In California, dinosaurs are not in the 3rd-grade course of […]