What comes with the Recess Program
Recess Program - Popular End of Year Gift Last Minute Spending for 2022
Schools are academically focused today. There are more bullying incidents and fewer children are participating in sports after school. Recess has become a crucial break in students' day. Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program is a low cost do-it-yourself kit to improve recess. We offer a system of organizing the playground so that children ca…
Here's a great idea for an End-of-Year Gift to School that children will remember and love.  Leave a legacy of fun, fitness AND peaceful play. ACT NOW AS SALE ENDS SOON.https://peacefulplaygrounds.com/peaceful-playgrounds-recess-program/

Catch up on the Peaceful Playgrounds recess program in our May newsletter.  Clip a coupon for a discount.   https://conta.cc/3LKWEMX

The Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program
The Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program is our most popular item.  Peaceful Playground Program Kit, Equipment Companion Package, Recess Roll Out Stencils, Instructional Games DVD Series, School Set Activity Guides, Stripping Machine, and White Outlining Paint, (Adding color to game markings is optional and an additional purchase). Site License, Staff Webinar and more….  Considered the standard in K-6 play…
HUGE END OF YEAR SALE GOING ON NOW! https://peacefulplaygrounds.com/products/catalog/
Cahanhassen Villager By Unsie Zuege By all accounts, the Peaceful Playground at Victoria Elementary School (VES) MN is fulfilling its mission: to bring peace and harmony to the playground, get kids moving, hopping, and skipping, and most of all, teaching kids it’s fun and simple to just play. Visitors to the VES playground on the west side of the school, just outside the school cafeteria, will see many play areas with playground stencils painte…
Redondo Beach Unified adds Peaceful Playgrounds to district schools.

Peaceful Playgrounds Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The main mission of the RBEF is to enrich the educational experience of the children throughout the Redondo Beach School District. Part of supporting this mission is creating and implementing worthwhile programs through RBUSD schools.
One of the RBEF-supported programs that are curr…
This 2 minute video talks about Peaceful Playgrounds recess program and our Founder, Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer.

Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program

Peaceful Playground Recess Program Brochure
Nice Video of Forts Pond Elementary School's  Peaceful Playgrounds Program.