How to offer a safe recess during a pandemic.
Featured Article
by Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer

Schools across the nation are returning to classrooms, lunchrooms, and playgrounds to find that much has changed since the school closed in March. Each setting will require a set of procedures and protocols in order to keep students safe. One of the most challenging environments, the playground, children’s favorite activity at school, can still be availabl…
Covid 19 Safe Behavior Posters

Download your free set of Covid-19 Behavior Posters. Signs include behaviors like wearing a mask, don't touch your face, keep 6 feet apart, wash your hands, don't share equipment, stay off playground equipment, use hand sanitizer, clean your computer screen, don't spread germs wear a face shield and its time to be kind.

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by Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer
This article is available on the main page of our website. It is filled with ideas for indoor recess such as brain breaks, calming activities, energizers to get students up and moving, and stories in motion from Iowa Department of Education.

There are really 10 sets of activities for indoor recess and Physical Education.  You can get to our website at:        Fill in the popup box and downl…
Use this poster for instructions for children on how to wear a mask.

Here's a link to the Poster.