"All kids have a right to recess", according to retired principal and Peaceful Playgrounds Founder, Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer.    The "Right to Recess Campaign" has been around for 5 years and the materials have been used in numerous School Board Presentations and referenced in magazines, & news reports. Grab a copy of the Right To Recess Tool Kit here.

Right to Recess Featured Article.

Experts agree that playtime can be j…
Peaceful Playgrounds Play Nice Newsletter Just Released.

School Recess: Why some love and some hate this American Tradition.
Right to Recess Campaign Going Strong.
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The recess movement in Orange County, Florida is growing and even received national attention yesterday when The Today Show put out an elementary recess survey.

The national survey shows that 99% of adults participating in the survey favor elementary school recess.  End of subject?  Not quite.  Parents in nearby Lake County have taken to the streets to join in the protest over the lack of recess at their schools.

The benefits of recess are well…
Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools administrators recently received backlash from parents for their plan to shorten recess to make up for instructional minutes lost due to snow days.

It seems that after reviewing a variety of plans to capture lost minutes from snow days they decided that cutting recess by 15 minutes and lengthening the school day by 5 minutes was the best solution for making up the 20 hour deficit they are now facing…
For those of you who read this blog for recess information, I discovered a new website full of interesting information about recess.

It was started by a handful of parents in the Beacon City School District who have children in all four of the elementary schools in Beacon. Each parent individually had become concerned with the number of days our children spent inside a classroom rather than going outside for recess.

The website is called a plac…
A quick review of Peaceful Playgrounds Featured articles shows that the
Right to Recess Tool kit and the National Recess Campaign Information is the most viewed resources for featured article visitors.

You can have the Peaceful Playgrounds Right to Recess Campaign Toolbox sent directly to your email box. The campaign toolbox contains a full PowerPoint presentation and speakers notes along with all research and documents to support daily, unstr…
Healthy Schools Campaign has a new campaign to make play part of the school day. Their two-day campaign to bring back recess is well underway! With the help of Groupon and The Point, HSC is helping individuals team up and make recess a reality for Chicago school children.

The non-profit Healthy Schools Campaign (HSC) has organized thousands of parents and caught the attention of top Chicago Public School officials in its quest to bring physical…
De Kalb County School Board voted to reinstate recess as a result of a parent petition. While most schools held recess, it was not mandated and could be denied to a child as a punishment or canceled for the entire class due to a conflict.

Now, recess is no longer an option but a requirement and cannot be withheld from a student.

Read how other parents and concerned advocates have saved recess.

Download the Peaceful Playgrounds Right to Recess Campa…
The Milford News reports that a concerned parent's quick action lead to recess reinstatement. St. Amand school reported a 15-minute recess is being brought back without impacting classroom time.

According to the article, Administrators didn’t notify parents about the kindergarten recess removal because they wanted to keep it “low-profile” until after they tried it, St. Amand has said. Also, until last week faculty had not yet met to review p…
The June Play Nice Newsletter is now available.

This month's newsletter provides information on the Peaceful Playgrounds Right to Recess Campaign. During the past year we have prepared a powerpoint presentation, a speakers guide and gathered resources for making the case for the importance of recess. Now is the time. Once the school year begins it is nearly impossible to get schedules changed. Begin today with our Right to Recess Toolbo…
Now is the time to SAVE RECESS. Before the school year schedule is set, let authorities know that kids have a right to recess. Our new materials can help you to make the case for the importance of recess.

Experts agree that playtime can be just as vital as classroom time to a child's social, emotional and educational development. Despite mounting evidence that kids need an outlet to blow off steam, learn to interact with others and get the…