Yes!  We offer onsite Peaceful Playgrounds Training

The Peaceful Playgrounds onsite training is our most popular staff  and most effective professional development offering.  We send a trainer to your school site for a 2 hour training on the components, philosophy, and a hands-on experience of actually playing 10 of the  most popular Peaceful Playgrounds games.  You may also want to invite neighboring schools and you can use you training day to …
U.S. Map Stencil Winners  Congratulations to the July 22 U.S. Map Stencil Winners.  Call the office 951-245-6970 to claim you map stencil. ENTER TO WIN:

5 Tips for a Kid Friendly PlaygroundA Professional Article by Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer

DescriptionI watched a less popular girl, Allison, walk up to a group of four girls who were playing a game of four-square. As she approached and asked, “Can I play?” she was quickly rebuffed. “The game is closed,” Janey, the ring leader, announced.Given the school is a Peaceful Playgrounds’ school, I was surprised at the response because of the “You can’t say, …