Peaceful Playgrounds News and Information Feb.6, 2015


 17975 Collier Ave  |  Unit 5  |  Lake Elsinore CA  |  92530  |

Peaceful Playgrounds News and Information

Playground/Recess Information

KaBoom Playability - Learn more about Playability's growing momentum and ways to get involved in your community to give all kids in the healthy, happy and play-filled lives they deserve.

How to improve recess.
A big part of restoring recess lies in the need to improve recess and how it functions. While it is true, there is not much we can do about standing on a cold
Physical Activity more....

Classroom-based physical activity, cognition, and academic achievement. Physically active academic lessons of moderate intensity improved overall performance on a standardized test of academic achievement by 6% compared to a decrease of 1% for controls. URBAN PE

The Effects of a Classroom Based Program on Physical Activity and On-task-behavior.
 Results: The intervention was effective in improving on-task-behavior during academic instruction. URBAN PE

PALS Training- Physical Activity Leader (PAL) Learning System is a cutting-edge, all-inclusive professional development resource within the Let's Move! Active Schools framework. Let's Move

The Politics of Public Playfulness  TED TALK with Bernie De Koven  Give each other the permission to play.


 “Sport for All, Play for Life: A Playbook to Get Every Kid in the Game” at last week’s Clinton Health Matters Activation Summit. This report pulls together two years of input shared by nearly 300 thought leaders on how to create universal access to early positive experiences in sports.  PCPFS


The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living is hosting a webinar next Tues 2/10 at 1 PM Central Time with Dr. Jim Sallis of UC San Diego.
In this webinar we will talk about some opportunities to get kids active outside of the school day such as, active commuting, after school programs, shared use agreements, park design, and youth sports.  URBAN PE
Registration Link 

Wausau students bounce, pedal and learn all at once.
Wausau phy ed teacher Ken Smith works to incorporate exercise into academic classes. URBAN PE


Peaceful Playgrounds Pinterest Page 

PE For Learning   Daily Newsletter on Physical Education

The Voice of Play 
  Founded in 2006, IPEMA’s Voice of Play initiative promotes growth in the quality and quantity of children’s free play and the use of playgrounds. By providing information and resources, the Voice of Play’s goal is to increase education and awareness about the many benefits of children’s play, including the development of critical physical, emotional, social and cognitive skills.


AASA has funding from the Walmart Foundation to support alternative school breakfast serving methods, including breakfast in the classroom and grab’n’go. AASA will provide funding ($50,000-$250,000)  for infrastructure, marketing, communications and other needs around school breakfast implementation. AASA will also provide in-depth technical assistance through mentors and inclusion in its school breakfast Community of Practice. We invite your district to submit a proposal. For more information and to download the application materials, go to


2015 Conference on the Value of Play: Advancing Play February 15, 2015 to February 18, 2015The theme of the 2015 Conference on the Value of Play is Advancing Play. It will be held February 15-18, 2015 at the Madren Center, Clemson, South Carolina.



Information from various newsletters and Facebook pages including Urban P.E,  The Elementary PE Teacher,  Playground Magazine, Boost Conference, ASCD, I Tweet PE,  Playground Magazine, Let's Move Active Schools, PCPFS etc.