17975 Collier Ave | Unit 5 | Lake Elsinore CA | 92530 |
951.245.6970 Melinda@peacefulplaygrounds.com
Peaceful Playgrounds News and Information
Physical Education
Physical education guidelines for healthier, happier, longer and more productive living http://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-01-physical-guidelines-healthier-happier-longer.htmlInternational Guidance: UNESCO Quality Physical Education Guidelines for Policy Makers http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002311/231101E.pdf
Treadmill desks now part of the classroom for middle school students
Playground Information
Missouri: St Louis Rams Now Accepting Applications for Playground Build
The chosen applicant will receive funding for the project and will be joined by members of the Rams organization to participate in the Playground .
Short Grant Deadline Feb 9: Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Community Health Awards (Upstate NY)https://www.excellusbcbs.com/wps/wcm/connect/be9377e9-bde9-43d0-ba46-807e3e9a612c/CommunityAwardsAppInteractive1.8.2015+Blue+Regions.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
Marathon Kids is more than just a running program. We are a nonprofitorganization with a mission to improve the health of children by providing them the motivation, tools and support to live happier and healthier lifestyles.
Workforce Wellness Guidance from New Jerseyhttp://www.getmovinggethealthynj.rutgers.edu/workforce/
New Report: Making the Connection: Physical Activity and Positive Youth Development
Five Proven Ways Kids Get More Physical Activity
Reaching the Goal of 60 Minutes of Physical Activity for Children
Physical Activity and Academics/Brain
Can Physical Exercise Improve Cognitive Abilities?http://brainblogger.com/2015/02/04/can-physical-exercise-improve-cognitive-abilities/
Kids’ exercise guidelines need more focus on brain development
Students master math through movement using Kinect for Windows
New Study by American Council on Exercise Determines Activity Trackers Fail to Accurately Predict Caloric Expenditurehttps://www.acefitness.org/acefit/expert-insight-article/47/5255/ace-sponsored-research-are-activity-trackers/
Got P.E.? Settlement Says Schools Must Prove They Provide It
AASA has funding from the Walmart Foundation to support alternative school breakfast serving methods, including breakfast in the classroom and grab’n’go. AASA will provide funding ($50,000-$250,000) for infrastructure, marketing, communications and other needs around school breakfast implementation.
New Aspen Institute Project Play Guidance Document: Sport for All, Play for Life: A Playbook to Get Every Kid in the Game
Subscribe to Playground Magazinehttp://www.playgroundprofessionals.com/subscribe
The Elementary PE Teacher
ASCD Annual Conference Brochure for Download- Houston, TX Mar. 21-23, 2015http://annualconference.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/siteASCD/conferences/annual-conference-preview.pdf
BOOST- Best of out-of-school time conference Palm Springs, CA April 29-30, 2015
I Tweet PE - Okay PE Presenters: Please share this post with everyone you know and sign-up to let Congress know how much these funds are needed! THANKS! > PEP is NOT In This Year's Federal Budget - We Need Your Help! > We have NEVER faced a bigger battle to sustain the PEP Program. No new funds for this effective federal program, which supplies grants to schools for physical education, were included in this year’s budget as such the PEP program is threatened long term. We have new research you will see soon that shows that children in schools that received a PEP grant increase their fitness levels by 39%. Advocate now for PEP by using this "easy-to-use" online tool. > http://www.phitamerica.org/Advocate/ADVOCATE_PEP.htmInformation from various newsletters and Facebook pages including Urban P.E, The Elementary PE Teacher, Playground Magazine, Boost Conference, ASCD, I Tweet PE, etc.